
what is it and why does it matter?

What is genre and why does it matter?

what is genre?

Genre is to do with putting books on the right shelf in a library or bookshop.

So, it’s useful for librarians and booksellers, right?

That’s it. But genre also helps you as a reader or writer.

Think of the biggest library you have ever been in. What would happen if your next favourite book could be on any shelf anywhere in the library. How would you find it?

I don’t know about you, but I think I’d have a panic attack!

But if you know you like fantasy books, you can narrow down the search and just look on the shelves of fantasy books! So it saves you time and stress.

what genres are there?

realistic fiction

Fiction that takes its cue from life that is realistic to a modern day reader.

historical fiction

Fiction set in an earlier time. It could be much earlier, say medieval, or earlier in the last century, like WW2.

traditional fiction

Fairy tales, folk stories etc. Often passed down through generations and with a history of oral storytelling.

science fiction

Based on imagined future. Using scientific or technological advances. Often portraying space or time travel etc.


Where the plot cannot happen in the real world. There is often magic, magical beasts and unknown worlds. 


Obviously, funny stories! These are often a sub-genre of other stories. They could be realistic, historical or even science fiction stories.


In mysteries, there is some kind of detective work to be done. They could be sleuth dramas and feature one main character or several to gather together all the clues.


These tend to be truthful accounts of real life. They could relate to science, biology and the natural world or history among other things.

biography/ autobiography

True life accounts of interesting figures in history. An autobiography is written by the person themselves.


Poetry may rhyme but doesn’t have to. It may follow a specific form, but again doesn’t have to. It uses a distinctive style and sometimes rhythm.

this isn't a complete list

There are other genres like thriller, horror, romance etc, though in stories for younger teens, these are usually treated with a lighter touch and may have elements of humour mixed in.

There also multiple sub-genres e.g. there might be elements of the Gothic as in Frost Hollow Hall by Emma Carroll. I’m sure you can think of lots of other sub-genres…

what genres do you like to read?

It is good to read widely although often you will find that you gravitate towards certain genres. I love lots of stories. I can’t help that I love to read books for children and young adults! I particularly love fictional historical books and fantasy. And I am in awe of funny stories, I wish I could write funny stories! 

What are your favourite genres?

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